Hi guys!
Before I start this post I would just like to mention that this week (Sunday to Sunday) I will be posting everyday as I am on half term so why not! I will probably be posting some makeup looks and lots of autumnal posts hopefully as I cannot get enough of autumn!! I am hoping to maybe try and do a cooking post and maybe some life tips!
So here is the first post, enjoy…First I have to sadly say is the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish. I hate to say this as it is such a good product but the formula just didn’t work with my skin. I didn’t cause any rashes or irritation on my face however didn’t improve my skin at all. I did think that it might be because I hadn’t used it for enough time but I had used a full 100ml bottle twice a day. So I just think it was the formula that didn’t work for me.
Although this product disappointed me a lot, everything else about it was amazing and top-notch! I love the packaging and the texture of the cleanser. If this worked for my skin I would definitely re-purchase it and I think maybe trying a different range from Liz Earle will be something I will try next!Next is a lip product from the MUA Luxe collection and is the Velvet Lip Lacquer. Mine is in the shade Tranquility which is my perfect shade but unfortunately it doesn’t come with the perfect formula.
Honestly this felt like a desert on my lips, no joke! It felt promising when I first put it on however once it dried, I wanted to take it off straight away! I was really surprised at this as lots of people absolutely love them and class them as a dupe for the Kylie cosmetics!! Also I my lips are not dry at all but this product just made them feel like sand paper! I am very disappointed by this but I don’t feel too cheated as it was only £3! Definitely not to be re-purchased…
The next product is the Rimmel Supercurler Mascara which is basically Rimmel’s version of the Maybelline Lash Sensation (which is holy god). I was so disappointed with this as it literally does nothing for my lashes and definitely does not last 24 hours which it states it does. It for sure does not volumize my lashes in anyway shape or form!! This mascara basically just gives a coating of black on my lashes so this was a big disappointment! And also costing £7 from the drugstore, you can do some much better for that price *cough maybelline lash sensation cough*!Lastly is the EOS Lip Balms which I find an awful lip balm! I currently own two which are the Strawberry and Blueberry Flavours. I did use to have the Pomegranate Raspberry which love the smell and taste of!! The good things I like about these is that I quite like the packaging and they do smell and taste so nice on your lips! On the other hand though they keep your lips moisturised for about 5 minutes and then it’s gone, which I absolutely hate!! Also in my opinion they are so overpriced! Personally spending £7 on a lip balm which is not even that good is such a waste! Stick to you Vaseline and Carmex if you want a cheap but fantastic lip balm! These are definitely not worth the hype and money!
So they are the four products that I have been disappointed with recently and I would not recommend (maybe except for the Cleanse and Polish)! This is all my own opinion so I might not agree with agree with everyone!
Thank you all for reading, it means so much and I will see you all tomorrow!Kate Xx