Monday 16th May – Many influencers from our PR list for our new product are yet to post on social media so I chased these up today. I enjoyed contacting the influencers and corresponding with them online. I have built up confidence in the past weeks so handled this task well. Due to my strong understanding and awareness of the brand voice and tone, I have been able to successfully engage and correspond with influencers. I received many positive responses from influencers which felt rewarding and made me happy as customers were enjoying the product and sharing the brand on social media.
Tuesday 17th May – I felt unmotivated when making social media content today. I had been researching to see what competitors were doing well and I found this negatively impacted my confidence and outlook. I began to compare my content to other successful brands and felt deflated. However, I expressed these feelings to my manager Sam who gave me an inspirational talk and told me how great my content was. Hearing this positive feedback boosted my mood and made me feel more positive towards my work. These initial negative feelings have made me realise that in future situations I need to remain positive and have more confidence in my own work. I frequently compare my work to others however if I build on my self-confidence then this issue won’t occur in the future.
Wednesday 18th May – After struggling yesterday with my self-belief, I was resilient and began today feeling confident. I had a productive day of social media content and saw engagement numbers increasing which felt rewarding.
Thursday 19th May – Today Sam and I went to Manchester to direct a product photoshoot. I was extremely excited for this opportunity and aimed to make the most out of it, which on reflection I did. I worked on my networking skills and spoke to many workers from the social media agency there. I have made new connections and learnt new industry skills. Today has motivated and inspired me to create content and excel at my career.
Friday 20th May – Due to our engagement rates on social channels increasing, I felt motivated to create content. I recorded chatty skincare videos today. I am not the most confident talking to a camera, so I found this challenging. But I persevered and after a couple tries, I was able to succeed and create engaging content.

Week 9 Reflection:
This week saw a dip in my confidence due to comparing myself and my content to other brands. However, I learnt vital lessons from these feelings and discovered that I need to work on my self-confidence. But after this week’s trip to Manchester for a shoot, I realised that I am a confident and skilled person. This shoot was successful, and I made new connections in the industry which will benefit me in the future. This was the confidence boost that I needed and will take with me for the future.
This 9-week placement has made me realise that sometimes I lack confidence and feel extremely anxious regarding certain tasks. And this can sometimes hold me back and I won’t work to my best ability. But I have worked through these feelings and developed skills that have allowed me to gain confidence in myself. Seeing our engagement increase on social channels and receiving lots of positive feedback has minimised my feelings of worry. This last week on placement has expanded my social skills and I feel equipped for the future.
I am excited to continue working at Be For Innovation over summer and my final year at University. I feel proud of myself and excited to continue my journey with the incredible team at Be For Innovation.