Tuesday 3th May – Today I met up with Sam to discuss our plan for social content and marketing strategies for May and going into June. This was extremely useful and meeting up with Sam allowed us to collaboratively work together which led to innovative ideas being created. Reflecting on today’s work, I have realised that collaboration leads to innovation. By effective teamwork and communication, we were able to create new and creative strategies.
Wednesday 4th May – After yesterday’s meet up with Sam, we decided we needed to prioritise Pinterest and focus on growing Pinterest engagement. So, today I added more content to our Pinterest page and wrote relevant descriptions for each post.
Thursday 5th May – I researched into how to run a business Pinterest account and increase engagement. I felt slightly out of my comfort zone as I’m not as familiar with using Pinterest compared to other social media platforms. However, I was determined to learn about the Pinterest algorithm and improved our monthly views on Pinterest. By watching YouTube videos on Pinterest and learning about keywords to boost engagement, I now feel confident and have learnt new skills. I put these skill into action today and began to build the Clear Skin Days Pinterest page.
Friday 6th May – After having a meeting with Oliver, who runs the Clear Skin Days Amazon shop, we realised our lack of product reviews on social media were having a negative impact on sales. I created a spreadsheet to show all the details of our review ratings and have begun to devise a strategy to build product reviews. I felt confident doing this task as in recent weeks I have built my Excel skills and I noticed today that I feel less daunted by creating spreadsheets.

Week 7 Reflection:
I have extremely enjoyed this week on placement. Meeting up with Sam and thoroughly going through social media engagement and discussing strategies allowed us to think innovatively. I have noticed my confidence increasing even more this week. My knowledge in running a small business and marketing strategies is expanding and I really value this experience. Reflecting on the skills I’ve learnt this week, learning about the Pinterest algorithm was extremely interesting. Beginning this week, I had little confidence in my Pinterest skills however by the end of this week I feel experienced and have started to see our engagement increase already which feels rewarding.
Next week I aim to continue this growth in Pinterest and research how to increase our click through rates on Pinterest. By completing a LinkedIn Learning course on the basics of Pinterest, I will expand on my knowledge even further.