Hi guys! So today it is time for a long post again! So if you don’t know already, I absolutely love buying makeup and I love to do my makeup as I find it really relaxing and enjoyable. Plus I love how makeup can make someone much more confident with them self and you can literally do whatever you want to with it!
So my first makeup fave that I have recently bought is the NYX Studio Finishing Powder in Translucent Finish. I was looking for a loose translucent powder for ages and soon as heaven came to my local Boots (aka NYX) I found something to answer my prayers! This cost £8, which at the time I thought was quite expensive but after using the product I would definitely say it is worth the price!
It leaves my skin feeling so so soft, it’s unreal! And it holds my makeup for the whole day as well as giving my base makeup a perfect finish.
I absolutely love this powder, and without a doubt, I will be re-purchasing this when my current one runs out. Next is a product I have been absolutely amazed with! This is from the I Heart Makeup range from the brand Makeup Revolution. And it’s a lip product called Lip Lava and I got it in the shade ‘forgiven’. So it’s a liquid lipstick and is basically just a copy of the Too Faced Melted lipsticks but a lot cheaper! This was also mentioned in my Autumn Lip Looks from yesterday but it’s too good not to mention again as I am loving it so so much!
Onto the product, I have only used it once as it is very new but I love it so much! The colour is my perfect colour and I have been searching for a drugstore lip product in this perfect colour for ages!I really like the sponge applicator it has which is not scratchy at all. For such a cheap product, I expected the applicator to be rubbish but I am surprisingly very impressed by it! The consistency of the lipstick is really smooth and has the perfect pigment. It doesn’t dry my lips out at all and it did last for a very long time when I wore it! This is definitely going to be re-purchased as I already know it is going to be my fave autumn lip product! Also I forgot to mention this was only £2.99! Yes, I know, £2.99!!!
This next product is not technically makeup but I’m including it anyway! This is a beauty sponge from Primark’s PS Pro beauty range and was only £2. I only got this as I saw a very good review about it so I thought I would try it out, to see how it compared to my holy grail Real Techniques Beauty Sponge!Right, seriously this is incredible! When it is damp, I find that it works exactly the same as the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion sponge. I did not expect it to be such good quality! I would definitely recommend this and for only £2 I think it is perfect if you want to experiment with something but don’t want to wreck your usual sponge. It expands so much which always surprises me and also if you have used one of the older Primark beauty sponges, you will know that no matter how much water you use on it, they never expand! But these new sponges do expand, just like the Real Techniques sponges!
The only thing that I don’t like about this sponge is that there isn’t a pointed edge to it, however that is just me being really picky! I know that in the PS Pro range they sell a 4 pack of mini pointed sponges, so I think they will be bought on my next Primark trip! The last product is something I use for my brows and it is the Collection Colourlash Clear Mascara. I have actually had this for a while as I thought using it as a mascara would be good for school however it wasn’t very voluminous. But now I use it as a clear brow gel which it does the job perfectly!
It keeps my brows in place for the whole day and longer! I love the applicator as because it is a mascara wand it works perfectly for brows! Also for £1.99, why not!
Lastly is a new eye shadow primer I have got which is the Rimmel Exaggerate Undercover Shadow Primer. I got this in a Beauty Outlet shop so it was £2 which is a couple of pounds cheaper than the drugstore. I have been needing a shadow primer for ages and ages but didn’t want to pay a lot, so finding this was perfect. I love this primer as it’s really light and moisturising and feels so refreshing on the eye. I definitely saw the difference in my shadow after wearing it for a whole day. Usually it looks oily and the colour has completely faded but now when I use this it keeps it pigmentation for so much longer and my eyelids don’t look oily at all! I really like this and for sure will be using this daily.
So they have been my top makeup favourites at this moment and I have been loving them all so much! They are all so affordable which I love in amazing quality products.
Thank you all so much for reading and I am hoping there will be a makeup look coming tomorrow!
Kate Xx