Category: Lifestyle
Goodbye 2017; My Blog & New Goals
I couldn’t be prouder of my self for sticking at my blog this year. I’ve posted on my blog at least once every single week this whole year which I don’t even know how. As I’ve felt so unorganised at some points throughout this year. And I can’t believe how fast 2017 went, I can…
Girl Power On The TV *
TV is something I love in December time as I love snuggling up with a blanket and hot chocolate and the Oled 4k TV Panasonic is a perfect TV to cuddle up in-front of with it’s amazing top quality. There is nothing I love more than binge watching new series. I’ve currently started Stranger Things…
Spread Happiness & Love Yourself
I knew I wanted to focus my monthly favourite post on self love and mental health and I feel like this is going to be one of those posts where it’s a big old ramble but I just want to type and get it all out. This isn’t your typical monthyl favourites but from this…
October Favourites
I can’t believe it’s November already, to say this year is flying by would be an understatement! However I actually feel like October has been quite a slow month personally, I haven’t actually done that much this month expect for going a bit mad on the online deliveries however the two positives from that is…
Liebster Award 2017
I’ve never been nominated for the Liebester Award so I was delighted when the lovely Erin Grace from Everything Erin nominated me! Liebester is a German word and has several definitions a couple being, dearest, sweetest, kindest and nicest.If you didn’t know the rules they are to; Thank the blogger who nominated you Answer the 11…