Category: Blogmas
BLOGMAS Day 15: Christmas Q&A
Only 10 days to go… (screams inside but tries to keep it cool) So for today’s post I am going to be keeping it simple and answering some Christmas questions that I found online! Enjoy and if you have any other answers to me or any questions then just leave them in the comments below.…
BLOGMAS Day 14: Christmas Makeup Look
Hey guys! I cannot believe it’s already day 14 of December, it’s going so quick.For today’s post it is on a simple makeup look that I use most times I wear makeup, although it seems like there is a lot of products, I find it really simple and quite quick to do!Products-Brows-Freedom Pro Eyebrow Kit…
BLOGMAS Day 13: The Perfect Stocking Fillers
I cannot believe it is already the 14th of December so as it is very close to Christmas I thought this post would be perfect for anyone stuggling for any late little present ideas.I always love getting small presents as they can be little things that you wouldn’t necessarily buy yourself but is something you…
BLOGMAS Day 12: Tips and Tricks For Holiday Shopping
We all go Christmas Shopping and although online is very good for shopping now, you always have to hit the shops. I love Christmas shopping as the Christmas tree will be up and all festive lights and decorations near the shops. As well as shop decorations are always so nice and it always feels nice…
BLOGMAS Day 11: My Top Christmas Playlist
Hi everyone, just to let you all know I am now posting my blogmas on weekends at 11am. I did mention on my twitter yesterday but just in case you missed it I wanted to let you know! Anyways on with the post…As soon as Halloween is over, my Christmas playlist is out, so in…