Category: 2017
Stationery & Homeware Haul
I’m such a big stationery and homeware lover and I constantly seem to be buying new bits and bobs for my room as I love changing my room around and getting new accessories. I’ve bought a couple of little bits at the moment that I’ve feel completely in love with so I thought I’d share…
May Favourites
I feel like I say the same thing every month but I cannot believe that tomorrow will be June! This year is going so fast and I’m currently on half term and then it will be my last term in school till summer which I think is crazy as it’s gone ridiculously fast! I found…
Night Routine; Skincare, Organisation & Relax
I love winding down at night and feeling relaxed as it get me ready for bed and there’s nothing better than feeling cosy and feeling prepared for the next day.I have to be organised otherwise I’ll stress like there is no tomorrow so on a typical weekend night, I like to tick all these steps…
Why I Love Blogging
I feel like my blog is a part of me now, when I first started writing weekly which was around November 2016 my blog just felt impersonal and something I was just trying out. Now I feel like I’ve come so far with it and definitely proved myself wrong and I find it hilarious looking…
5 Favourite Drugstore Bronzers
Bronzer is one of my favourite makeup products, as it completes my face when wearing makeup as it gives my face some colour, glow and hence from the name, makes me look bronzed. I always wear bronzer, whether it’s a minimal makeup look or full on glam look also with me being very pale and…