Hi guys, so I am very excited to be doing my first post for blogmas! I will be posting weekdays at 5pm and weekends at 10am (hopefully!) up until the 24th of December. And after Christmas I have a couple of posts planned which include Christmas and New Years.
I have very high hopes for this month.
I hope you enjoy all of my posts and I am so excited to be in December now so for today I am going to be talking about my Christmas traditions.
I love getting into the Christmassy spirit so this will be the perfect thing to start of my blogmas.
Start Of December

Another tradition I like to keep is on the first bank holiday in December, is to go on a dog walk along the beach with some of my family. I always love dog walks and it’s even better when a breakfast out is tagged along with it!
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is one of the most painful days as in my opinion it will drag on forever but however I always enjoy myself on every 24th of December.
On Christmas Eve I will always go to my local Church to the Christingle. I am not religious however I have gone since being a child and I get to see some of my family and lots of friends and it definitely puts me in a festive spirit plus you get free sweets and marshmallows, so everyone’s happy!
For tea on Christmas Eve, for as long as I can remember I have had spaghetti bolognaise for tea. This is one of my favourite meals and it just is one of them small things that we do as a family every year without really realising that it’s a tradition!
After tea me and my family will always watch a film in front of the fire and most years we will watch Fantastic Mr.Fox. Thinking about it it is quite a different film to watch as it is not Christmassy at all but ever since we watched it once we have always watched it on Christmas Eve. And you can never watch it without your Christmas pj’s on!
Christmas Day
The best day of the year in my opinion, so of course I have many traditions I like to keep. Everyone probably has lots of traditions on this day and I think they are so important.
So on Christmas Day I will always wake up at around 7am which might sound very late or very early to you. Some people wake up really early on Christmas Day however I just couldn’t do that as I am so moody if I don’t have sleep and I personally do not want big bags under my eyes on Christmas day!
So after waking up me and my sister will always go into our Mum and Dad’s room to open our presents, but first we always open the presents we got each other before Santa’s presents. Although I love getting presents off Santa, I will always prefer to give presents to others. Me and my sister will buy our parents a present and that is one of my favourite things about Christmas, I love giving.
I always get an orange in my stocking at Christmas so every Christmas that will be the first thing I eat. My sister always puts her in the fridge however I will always eat mine first!
I always get an orange in my stocking at Christmas so every Christmas that will be the first thing I eat. My sister always puts her in the fridge however I will always eat mine first!
To finish my Christmas Day I will always have a salmon sandwich for my tea, whilst sitting in front of the tv. I have done this for a couple of years now and I will always enjoy a salmon sandwich after filling my face at lunch!
So that’s it for my Christmas traditions. I love keeping traditions as they are always something to look forward too and they always get me in the festive spirit.
See you tomorrow,
Kate Xx
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