Author: Kate
Favourite Going Out Dresses From Quiz Clothing *
It’s slowly but surely coming into spring now which I’m so thankful for. I truly despise the rain and I’m desperate for some sun. So the one thing I have to do when a new season is approaching… Is plan my wardrobe. And the skirts and dresses all come out in spring. So for today’s…
All About The Makeup Revolution Concealer
Of course I had to jump on the bandwagon and test out the new drugstore hype. I don’t like spending a lot on makeup as I’m really falling or of love with it at the moment. So I love a good drugstore miracle as it benefits the bank! I always stick to my trusty Collection…
The Jumpsuit That Is A Wardrobe Staple
Hello my lovelies! I’ve been posting weekly the last month or so and I’ve truly missed it. However there might be the odd two posts a week coming up. I don’t have many talents as a person however being unorganised is a speciality of mine! However I touched down in London town last week.…
London Fashion Week Festival 2018
On Thursday I was lucky enough to go to London Fashion Week Festival. I’d seen a lot of it on social media in 2017 and knew I had to go one year. And I persuaded my mum into making it a girls day out to London! (Didn’t even have to make a PowerPoint to persuade…
Essential Blogging Tips
Ironic how I’m posting blogging tips when my blog seems to be currently rolling down the hill. However although my blog seems to be getting worse in my opinion. I feel like my knowledge is getting better. And since going self hosted which I did in around September time last year. I have learnt so…